Welcome to the website of the church of St. James the Great, in the village of High Wych, Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire. This is the principal church in the Benefice, which also includes St. Mary the Virgin, Gilston and St.Botolph, Eastwick – details of life at these churches is also included in these pages
read moreOriginally St Botolph’s was a magnificent medieval church. Early antiquarian records state that it was a large building with a tower, transepts and a tiled floor at the east end. By the 19th century, however, the church was suffering the ravages of time, and in 1872 the reforming squire of Eastwick, John Hodgson, determined that it was beyond salvation and must be demolished. And so it was swept away and between the years 1872 and 1875 the present building was erected in its place
read moreThe original building was a small aisle-less church built around 1135. It was entirely rebuilt and enlarged in the second half of the 13th century. The upper part of the tower seen to have been reconstructed in the late 16th century, when the south brick stair-turret was added. The north aisle is old. The arcades are low and have quatrefoil piers with later arches.
read more To gain access to the streamed services, go into Google Search or Facebook, in the search box type Gilston and Eastwick Churches, click onto one of the posts until you find the picture of Wendy at Messy Church.
On the left of the screen is the word VIDEOS, you have arrived.
Service sheets and hymns will be posted online as well. Enjoy. Once you are in you can look at last Sundays Service as well.
If you would like to join Virtual Evening Prayer Services on either Tuesday or Friday evenings at 6.30pm email her on bagnallsj@outlook.com, she will send you through a Webex invitation (and joining instructions if required).
Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 2.00pm - 4.00pm
#use the hand sanitiser provided when entering/leaving
#only sit in the marked zone to the rear of church
#observe 2 metre social distance at all times
For advice on opening St Mary's and St Botolph's churches for private prayer.
Please contact Rev. Alison Jackson on 01279 790145/07833 667707 or email: revajacksonhwge@outlook.comwho will advice.
Sundays | 9.30am | Holy Communion | St James' High Wych |
Every 1st Sunday | 8.00am 9.30am |
BCP Family Service |
St James' High Wych |
Every 2nd Sunday | 11.15am | Holy Communion | St Mary's Gilston |
Every 4th Sunday | 11.15am | Service with Community Event | St Botolph's Eastwick |
Services are live-streamed on Facebook
Follow Gilston Eastwick Churches
or St James the Great High Wych pages
We know that this has been a really tough year fo many people and if you need supporting would like to talk to any of our team please do get in touch.
Rev Alison Jackson - revajacksonhwge@outlook.com
May the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, the perseverance of the wise men, the obedience of Joseph and Mary an the peace of the Christ-Child be yours this Christmas; and the blessings of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit, be among us and remain with us always. Amen